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How to find Architects in Praha?

21. května 2019

Basic information for foreigners planning their new modern house.

Michal Janáč
Michal Janáč
How to find Architects in Praha?

Mohlo by vás zajímat

I want to build a new modern house. How long does it take?

Czech republic is unfortunatelly country with very complicated process of issuing a building permits. Byrocracy combined with shortage of officers leads to very long terms for every needed partial agreement or permition. Average time for issuing a building permit out of Prague is 1 year. Inside (cadaster of) Prague is situation much more complicated and this time can be twice or even longer. It depends on relations with neighbors and authorities requirements.

How to find a good architect?

His work has to be love at first sight for you. Architecture is creative art and has many options. And every architect has his own style. Never push an architect focusing on traditional wooden houses to design modernist white cubic house. It will not work.

Good architect has to be able to understand your needs and transform your requirements into aesthetic and functional result. Look for architect who has practical experiences with modern houses and whose project are actually built.

Personal meeting will also show you if this architect is good choice for you. There has to be chemistry and sympathy between architect and his client. When you like your architect as a person, its a first good step for a great home.

Good architectural companies also provide full service. They will design the house, make the technical project, take care of building permit and supervise the construction process.

What is the situation at the building market in Prague?

In 2018 thanks to good economic results, obtainable mortgages and lack of workers in civil engineering there was a rapid prices growth both for material and work. Get ready for higher prices than were common in last years.

What contains the process of building a new modern house in Czech republic?

First of all buy a plot. Start with architectural work after you are written as owner at the cadaster. Architectural studio will guide you through study, projects and building permit. Detailed project together with budget is used for price bids from building companies. For building companies use same choice process like for architects. Ask for references, make personal meetings to know company owner. And remember: cheapest doesn‘t mean the best. Some companies can give you great price but later they get their money back on additional works.


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